From time to time persons other than Transvestites will come across this magazine. For their benefit as well as for its regular subscribers, it is desirable to set forth clearly and concisely its aims and purposes.
TRANSVESTIA is published by, for and about Transvestites for the purpose of providing a center about which people interested in this field may gather. Its pages provide opportunity for expression of opinion both lay and prof- essional, for discussion, and for sharing ideas and exper- iences, all of which lead to a better understanding of this particular facet of human behaviour.
TRANSVESTIA seeks to provide information both to and about Transvestites and Transvestism in order to broaden the un- derstanding of this form of expression not only among those interested in it but by friends and relatives who may find themselves indirectly involved.
TRANSVESTIA also serves as a means of gathering informa- tion as well as disseminating it. Medical science has no adequate means of contacting and interviewing Transvest- ites in large enough numbers nor of selecting persons reasonably well adjusted to their problem and uncomplic- ated by other psycho-social behaviour patterns, to form any well considered opinions about this phenomenon. The magazine can provide much research material through the cooperation of its readers to further the understanding of this problem by psychiatrists, psychologists, socio- logists, lawyers and jurists, and police officials.
It is the firm belief of the Editor of TRANSVESTIA that HAPPINESS is rooted in KNOWLEDGE of oneself and one's world because KNOWLEDGE is the beginning of UNDERSTANDING, which is the beginning of ACCEPTANCE, which is the begin- ning of PEACE OF MIND, which is the essence of a happy and well-adjusted life. Unhappiness, loneliness and fear have too long been the lot of Transvestites. It is to be hoped that TRANSVESTIA can help to convert these into peace, togetherness and relaxation.